This platform aims to provide opportunities to align investments, increase linkages and access to technologies for the end users (in this case small holder farmers). The platform intends to strengthen capacities for value chain actors at different supply chains that link researchers, extensionists and farmers.
The lingering problems of low agricultural productivity, poor market access, the unsustainable agrarian livelihood of Africa agriculture is associated with the observed limited scaling of available technologies. Women contribute to over 50% of agricultural labor in Africa, they mostly rely on rain-fed agriculture, and have poor access to inputs (fertilizers, seeds, and water), to extension (most extension agents are men), to credit, and markets for their products. They receive 7 percent of extension services, 1 percent of all agricultural credit, and own only 1 percent of the land.
Research innovations and technologies must therefore be accessible and affordable for the small-holder farmers and especially women. This platform provides forums for researchers to interact with farmers and extension, by providing cutting edge technological developments in Agriculture.
How it works,
- Share knowledge, capacity needs, lessons learned and new technologies.
- Increase collaboration with private sector partners and other key stakeholders to establish enterprises that will ensure rapid technology adoption by small holders, (e.g., digitizing supply chains).
- Raise awareness on bottle necks, interventions, investments, and policy revisions to guide the decision making, policy design and programs of governments and development partners.
How to engage?
To engage please register to join the eMarketSpace and register your Agribusiness below:-